I wordsmith.
With degrees in English, French Language and Literature, and Law, I have pursued and mastered many different avenues of creative and analytical thinking, and I bring the entirety of my training to bear on each project I undertake.
In other words, I think different(ly).
I bring a polyglot's adaptability to environment, a lawyer's exacting eye for detail, and a yogi's sense of calm and presence to all my work. Whether I am cultivating the tone of a piece of content to address a specific audience, revitalizing existing content that just wants a little uplift, or enhancing a multimedia campaign with language that supports both its scope and its flavor, this quilt of interwoven strands of discipline enrobes my work.
P.S. I also create soup-to-nuts websites like this and this and this and this, not to mention the one you’re looking at right now.
HOW I Work
I Listen to your ideas.
i TRANSLATE your ideas into WORDS.
I EXPRESS your idea-words to your READERS.
I am magnetized by effective communication, the kind that forges inroads and builds bridges among people. Underpinning the end goal of each of my projects is the desire to create a sense of community through my work. When I write, my intention is to establish a connection with readers as I convey what you want them to know in a way they are interested in hearing your message,
Whether your objective is to educate, promote, sell, interface, or influence, my job is to translate your goals into achievements and your achievements into springboards for new goals. If I'm good at what I do, we could, potentially, work together forever.
"The duty and the task of a writer are those of an interpreter."
--Marcel Proust
In seven bullet points or fewer, I am . . .
a fascinate (noun): someone who possesses an inherent curiosity and engages constantly in investigations to broaden understanding;
a smart, savvy, sassy, worldly and well-educated, passionate, dedicated, funny, original, occasionally/often irreverent margin-dweller;
a simultaneous interpreter of your creative writing and specific communication needs;
a clear communicator with and for you about undertakings that matter to you;
an imaginative Salt to your goal-oriented Pepa;
a firm believer in conversation and collaboration;
your next creative cohort.