I am the creative Yin to your pragmatic Yang.

You honestly believe you don't have a creative bone in your body.

I am the embodiment of "Think Different" (but am just obsessive enough to want to add "ly" to the end of this tagline every time I read it).

You simply don't have the time to get your creative project done yourself.

I have devoted my entire livelihood to helping people embrace and complete their creative projects (because I make time for this stuff, I have so much passion for it).

You want your creative project done the way you would do it if you had the time and/or believed you were creative enough, which obviously you don't.

I am a collaborator who possesses clarity of communication and cognitive and emotional intelligence (in other words, it's like I know what you're thinking as you're thinking it, only you have to tell me, but then I totally understand you).

You have needs. I have goods.

You need a writer who will summon exactly the right words and the precise tone both to ground your ideas and give them flight.

I bring the brains, savvy, wit, chops, and just the right amount of irreverence to give your copy edge.

You need a spatial planner and organizational consultant who will craft tailored solutions to enhance your live and work spaces and transform them into welcoming and productive environments.

I bring a true understanding of your challenges because I've spent my whole life creating and defining living and work spaces to complement rather than constrict freedom of movement.

You need a project manager who will engage creative strategies and processes to deliver high-functioning systems for the success of your project.

I bring a bounty of muscle memory when it comes to processes and procedures through my rich history of managing, producing, and overseeing live events, residential and commercial real estate ventures, and corporate organizations.

Who can take a box and turn it into a child's dream? THIS guy!

Who can take a box and turn it into a child's dream? THIS guy!

I designed, constructed, and populated this rooftop deck. Even the cat was my idea.

I designed, constructed, and populated this rooftop deck. Even the cat was my idea.

Consecutive dressers and colorful dot rugs complement this wall of windows, as do the dogs.

Consecutive dressers and colorful dot rugs complement this wall of windows, as do the dogs.

Design elements enhance flow when coordinated with architecture and natural light. And, of course, Hindu dieties.

Design elements enhance flow when coordinated with architecture and natural light. And, of course, Hindu dieties.