What I Do.


These categories may seem discrete, but, in my world, they are related. With degrees in English, French Language and Literature, and Law, I have pursued and mastered many different avenues of creative and analytical thinking, and I bring the entirety of my training to bear on each assignment I am tasked with.

In other words, I think different(ly).

I bring a polyglot's adaptability to environment, a lawyer's exacting eye for detail, and a yogi's sense of calm and presence to all my work. Whether I am cultivating the tone for a challenging piece of content, shaping the placement of furniture in a room to maximize utility and energetic flow, or regrouping after a derailment of a project timeline caused by contractor delays, this quilt of interwoven strands of discipline enrobes my work.



How I Work.

I Spin Function Into Flow.

Not unlike Rumpelstiltskin, whose rise to fame hinged on his ability to spin straw into gold, my special gift is spinning the overlap of Function and Form into Flow. [Unlike Rumpelstiktskin, however, I will not demand your firstborn child as payment for my services.]   

Whether I am writing original, branded content for an RFP response, designing and creating a functional workspace in a home, or producing a breakout session where salespeople learn how to use a newly-minted mobile device, I craft my product to exceed the confines of Function and Form, where Flow is known to supervene.

I am magnetized by effective communication, the kind that forges inroads and builds bridges among people. Underpinning the end goal of each of my projects is always the desire to create a sense of community with my work. When I write, my goal is to forge a connection with readers. When I plan and organize home or office space, my goal is to connect individuals or groups with their physical surroundings. When I manage a project or an event, my goal is to connect all the moving parts in the system so that they work together in a functional whole. I think I might have been a therapist in a past life. That, or someone famous. We're always someone famous in past lives, right?

Who I Am.

I am . . .

  • a smart, savvy, sassy, worldly and well-educated, passionate, dedicated, funny, original, occasionally/often irreverent margin-dweller;
  • a simultaneous interpreter of your creative writing, spatial design, and project management needs;
  • a clear communicator about undertakings that matter to you, from where to put the semicolon to where to put the sofa;
  • an imaginative Salt to your goal-oriented Pepa;
  • a firm believer in conversation and collaboration;
  • your next teammate.